Monday 30 September 2013

October in the tropics.

>--||--->  Summer is nigh  <--||---<

October in the tropics.

It is a swift reminder that we have sombrely kissed the cool mornings of the dry season goodbye.

The hazy afternoons lead into balmy tropical evenings and warmth of the day leave our house cozy by night.

Shrieks of sweet laughter echo between the walls into the early eve, as the days grow longer...bed time is prolonged. 

October is admittedly the grandest month of them all, I may be somewhat bias, as my own birthday falls within these some 31 days, alongside a bevy of beautiful fellow Libran friends. 

So in true celebratory spirit, may this month be filled with days saturated in sunshine, sand encrusted hair, ocean gazing, garden picnics and fairy hunting through rainforest jungles. 

The time is nigh for outdoor exploration all the way up here in Far North Queensland. So, take your babe by the hand, kiss the sea & the skies, & enjoy this perfect time of year.


Here's to the impending summer!




Monday 16 September 2013

Young | Wild | Free | & Salt Kissed...


Let us revel in the timeless moments of pure joy the ocean evokes, both in the young + the old



* Sandy feet + bum cracks, for life *

Wednesday 11 September 2013

T.r.a.v.e.l. + b.a.b.e.s


    Life enriching.  

{Nothing quite compares to the feeling of freedom travel

 instills inside you} 

The lust for wandering globally need not be suppressed once you
have started a family. Babes + children are incredible travel
partners. Every sight, sound, smell, their entire environment 

is brand new & their uncontainable excitement to explore is intoxicatingly contagious.  

Travel is one of the best educational tools you could possibly
equip your child. You are inadvertently instilling a deep awareness of the diversity of our planet; the environment, and their fellow people, all with differing cultures and practices. They are first handedly experiencing life lessons of empathy,
tolerance, exploration and social interaction. 

Thus far in my own daughters life, we have had the absolute privilege to open her eyes & mind to overseas travel. The 3 of us traveled through New Zealand when she was 5 months old, and when she was 10 months old, Luki & I journyed to Japan (alongside another young, traveled obsessed mama and her 9 month old son). Both trips were exhilarating experiences and at times utterly exhausting, and a far cry from my previous solo backpacking escapades. Shall I dare to share one tip for travelling with babes, absolutely have a good baby carrier, listen to one another, and be flexible. Alas, babes are so portable at that age & enjoy exploring and wandering as much as you. 

Travelling. Wandering. Exploring. Getting lost. Finding your way again. Learning. Adapting. Evolving. 

Include your children and grow together.

Are you a travelling mama? Does your little family thrive on adventures together? Get in touch/comment, we'd love to hear from you & share your story x

  I am not one usually for an inspirational / life quote, however I feel this one reigns true... 

'It is good to have a destination to journey towards ~ but it is 
the journey that matters in the end'
~ Ursula Le Guin

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Vintage Baby Clothing + Our Environment

Vintage. Pre-loved. Old fashioned. Hand me downs. Styles from yesteryear. Call it what you will, vintage fashion is all in the eyes of the beholder. We all can relate to feeling assimilations  to a specific era ~ be it the styled 50s, rockin 60s, bohemian 70s, eccentric 80s or grunge 90s. Why it is we feel compelled to hold onto styles of the past decades, who can say, but as an nostalgic soul, I am happy to divulge in the vintage euphoria.  

Since been thrusted into young motherhood ~ I now have the pleasure of living vicariously through my daughters wardrobe. I enjoyed this duty so much, I launched Mother Of Pearl Baby Vintage, hand sourcing & selling a collection of vintage, retro and bohemian attire for radical & unique babies. 

Aside from paying ode to vintage style clothing for babies, and dressing your babe differently, MPBV is about reducing, reusing & recycling. Challenging our over consumed, mass produced, mostly unethical mainstream baby & children's clothing options. Undeniably, majority of our baby & children's (and adults) clothing end up in landfill, why not reduce our wastage, recycle our clothing, buy & dress in vintage ~ the styles are classic, unique & alternative. 

MPBV is an eclectic collection of vintage loot, with unique one off pieces sourced within Australia and on our travels throughout the globe. MPBV is about bringing many passions into fruition ~ vintage & bohemian style, recycling & reusing, travelling and selling pieces with a story, all with an affordable price tag x